Monday, December 14, 2009

Behymer Christmas

Sunday we enjoyed our 1st Christmas this year at Paul and Sue's for the Behymer Christmas. The kids had a lot of fun playing and having a surprise visit from Santa! Santa on his Harley.. Stopping by to say hello to the kids! Jadyn, Jaren, and Weston with Santa. Great Grandpa LeeRoy helping Jaren build with Lincoln Logs!

Christmas Season

Here are some pictures from this past weekend! Friday we went and saw Santa and did the Avenue of Lights, which they loved! And Sunday they had their Christmas programs at church. We recently got a new electric fireplace for the basement and Jadyn thought we needed a picture in front of it too! The kids before church.. in front of our real Christmas tree in the basement this year! Jaren's 1st Christmas program at church.. They sang Happy Birthday to Jesus! Jadyn reading her words to her song... She did a great job! Jaren's 1st time Actually sitting on Santa's lap and not crying.. he was ready for him this year! The kids with Santa Jaren with his little tree in his room.

Jadyn's 7th Birthday

Happy 7th Birthday Jadyn!! Wii resort! A game she had been wanting.. and she loved it! Jadyn with her gifts from Jaren.. 2 new webkinz! Jadyn with her dad @ TGIFridays.. Jadyn wanted to go here on her birthday so she could get sung to and receive a free treat! So that's what we did! The girls made their own pizza's which they loved being able to help! Jadyn being a nice big sister.. and letting Jaren help open gifts! Jadyn with all her friends that stayed the night!

A fun trip to the Gorsch's for a NiGhT!

The beginning of November I decided we don't get to see Sadie and Kinnick nearly as often as I would like. So on Friday afternoon I gave them a call.. and just me and the kids went for the night! I miss them so much and I knew we wouldn't get to spend that much time with them for Kinnick's birthday. Here we are at Kristina's school getting some playing time in! Playing outside.. It was a gorgeous weekend! Picnic at the park. Kinnick and I.. He's getting so big! Glad they have another one on the way! Jadyn and Sadie playing at the park. Sadie and Jaren going for a bike ride!

Halloween.. a little late!

Okay so I have been really slacking on doing my Blog so I am going to try and play catch up here this morning!! The kids with their scary teeth from the carnival. The kids with their jack-o-lanterns.. Jaren had a lot of fun this year with helping! A picture before heading out the door to trick or treat! My Daphne,Me, and My little Scooby Doo.. The Daycare kids and I trick or treating the day before Halloween! They had so much fun!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The struggle of a good fall Picture!

Last night we were going to Quincy so I thought I would make some Halloween cards to send out of the kids. Here were the pictures I took to TRY and get a good one. I don't know if the sun was bright or if Jaren just did not want to smile good. Very unlike him though! And this first picture is a picture of Jaren with a pumpkin that grew in our flower bed! I don't know how, I guess last year a little pumpkin must have fallen into the flowers and somehow it got replanted and grew! The kids were very excited to pick it and put it with our pumpkins that we bought!

Grandpa's New Toy

Jadyn and Jaren with Daddy on the four wheeler. It has been a long struggle to get a four wheeler but finally here the kids are on it! They love it! Jaren wants a ride on it everyday.


Last Friday night Jadyn had Paige and Haileigh Marlow over for a sleepover. So we ordered pizza from Golden Express, had root beer floats, painted fingernails, watched Monsters vs. Aliens, played a board game, and hung out. It was a lot of fun! They enjoyed having root beer floats after pizza. We painted everyone's nails. The girls watching a movie. Daddy and Jaren relaxing!

Going to the Circus

A couple weeks ago Carthage had a circus. We have went before but I don't think since Brilyn and Jaren were born. The kids loved it. They had tigers this year which were pretty cool. Then of course horses, dogs, and elephants. The kids also enjoyed all the food you can purchase at the circus. Grandma Terri went this year and was nice enough to pay for it all! Thanks!! The kids had peanuts, snow cones, and cotton candy. It was a great evening! After that we went and ate at Dairy Queen. Jadyn and Jaren with the clown.. Jaren wasn't too sure of him! Laney and Brilyn with the clowns. I didn't notice until later that the clown was sticking his tongue out! The elephants! They were pretty neat! The kids enjoying a snow cone grandma Terri got them. Tigers!... Jaren thought because he went on a ride on the elephant, he could ride a tiger too! He kept saying "can I ride a tiger too?!"