Friday, August 28, 2009

Another trip to Weinberg.. for a picnic!

The kids getting ready to eat their supper! Enjoying their picnic. Watching the fish.. Jadyn with the only catch of the night! Jason and Brady waiting on Jaren's throw! Brady jumping in to retrieve..he really gets a lunge! Brady with the real duck.. Brady retrieving a real duck. Jaren getting ready to throw the bumper! He loved doing this.. but wanted Brady to return it to him.. not Jason!

Jadyn's 1st day @ 1st Grade

These first few pictures are from open house Aug. 18th.. Then she started school last Wednesday the 19th. So far, she is loving it! Here is Jadyn with her teacher Mrs. Fox Jadyn and Jaren

Jessica's Bridal Shower

Here is a family picture @ the shower.. This is posted a little late but my camera wouldn't load the pictures to the computer!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Having the Gorsch's for a Night!

This past Saturday we were able to have Marc, Kristina, Sadie, and Kinnick stay the night. It was a lot of fun! We cooked them supper and then went to the Dairy Barn for ice cream. The kids also had a bath together which they always love! Big Boy Kinnick Jaren and Kinnick going for a stroller ride. Jaren and Sadie going for a walk.. holding hands! I had to take a picture! Jaren and Sadie in Wrigley's cage!


Last week Jadyn had a sleep over with Molly Rea and Avery Waner. They played great together! We made steaks and baked potatoes for supper. Then went on a walk to the park, ate ice cream, and rented a movie (which also means making popcorn)Then they insisted on sleeping in the basement. They were very good! Eating ice cream at the Dairy Barn. The girls slept in the basement for the first time! Jaren sporting his BIG boy undies! He likes to wear these because "Daddy Does!"

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

St. Louis Cardinal Game..Aug 1st

This past Saturday we headed to St. Louis again.. this time for a Cardinal game. We went to a night game which was perfect. The kids were very good and the weather was very nice! We got there a little early so we went to Union Station and ended up paddle boating and feeding the fish. We then headed to the game. The kids feeding the fish.. @ Union Station The family paddle boating at Union Station before the game! They thought they needed foam fingers to hold up for the game! Jadyn and Mommy at the game. Jaren opening and eating peanuts. He hasn't ever opened them himself because of the mess.. but we let him enjoy doing this at the game. He cracked and ate peanuts for over a half hour! Jaren and Daddy at the game. Holliday playing left field.. he hit 2 home runs while we were there.. I had bought a Holliday shirt earlier in the game! It was a great game to watch! Pujols playing 1st base.. Carpenter pitching.. Fredbird

Adams County Fair

Laney with her horse before the horse show began. She did very good! Brilyn eating her corndog.. we didn't think she could eat one that big..but she did pretty good! Jadyn and Jaren on a ride at the fair. Laney with her horse Tony.. dressed up as scarecrows for the costume judging!