Monday, June 8, 2009

Jadyn had a week of VBS and basketball camp

Jadyn and Jaren in their matching shirts they made at VBS. Jaren played to much after the VBS program and didn't get to eat any of the red velvet cake I he decided to lick what was left off the cake container! The whole group.. they had a great week at church! Jadyn's 4 in her class Here they are doing their program during church on Sunday. The kids in the red and pink were my class. The 4 and 5 year olds. They were a lot of fun to be around all week Jadyn went to basketball camp in Camp Point this past week too! She was a very busy girl. We had 7 girls from our area that went and took turns driving the girls to camp each morning. Jadyn, Molly, and Kelsey...the 3 from my house and they happened to all wear their shirts the same day!

1 comment:

Kristina said...

I love the pic of Jaren licking the cake container!